
What is AntLang?

AntLang is a programming language for sequence processing.

Instead of using control structures or recursion, many algorithms are implemented as operations on sequences.

This paradigm allows fast problem solving in mathematics and scripting.

For example, some pages on this website are generated using an AntLang script.


You can check the blog page to stay tuned.

How can I learn it?

An AntLang tutorial is available on this page.

It helps you understanding the basic concepts of the language.

The documentation is also on this website (contains about page, too).

How can I get it?

The tutorial includes download instructions.

It is recommended to follow them.

See the build instructions to install AntLang on a different OS.

How can I find code?

The AntLang-Code repository is the right place to see what others have done.

You can also check out AntLang on RosettaCode.

The blog posts sometimes contain useful code snippets, as well.

About AntLang

AntLang stands for "Anthony's language". It is an open-source project released into the public domain.

The first release was 2016. You can take a look at the source code on github.

Feel free to play with it, but if you have improvements, please release them into the public domain, too.

However, no one forces you to do so.