/Build AntLang from source

Step 1

This website provides AntLang executables for various systems.

If there is one for your OS, you can just follow the tutorial.

Step 2

Clone this git-repository.

You will need all haskell files (.hs) and all grammar files (.y).

You can clone using git.

git clone "https://github.com/ac1235/src.git"

Step 3

You need GHC and Happy to follow.

Both are part of the Haskell platform.

Install it for your OS and then goto step 4.

Step 4

Generate Parser.hs from the grammar file using Happy.

happy -o Parser.hs grammar.y

Step 5

Build the executable.

ghc -O2 -rtsopts -o EXECUTABLE Main.hs

Step 6

Follow the AntLang tutorial to see how to call the executable correctly.